Saturday 2 March 2013

assalamua'laikum sisters and brothers..

hmm.. Am i doing sth wrong, then tell me..
please let me know whats my wrong.. people are just ignoring me.. I hate it!
i know i'm not good.. then, FRIENDS please!! tell me, and i'll try to change..
i'll try to be better person.. dont ignore me!

Friday 1 March 2013

mumbling witout reason

assalamua'laikum and hi sisters and brothers.

its seen like quiet long i'm not chit chat thing on this blog..
sory if my engling is worst.. but i know that, there is no one reading my blog..
hehehe.. so, there is no need to worried..

ok, i dont know what i'm going to share,.. so, ok.. lets start with things that happen to me lately.. hmm.. lately i feel like kinda of  empty and lonely.... i dont know why, but i'm too worried about my dad and my mum..

i miss them so muchh.. do you know mum dad.. i love u so much..

hmm.. my tears are falling apart..
sory guys.. let us recite this dua' for our parents..
"Ya Allah, give our parents good health, a long life and keep them safe. Ameen"